
The Wonderful in Between

Welcome to my first attempt at blogging! We'll see where this goes!

Firstly, the title. A few months ago my grandma passed away. She had been ill for awhile due to a blood disorder. Then in January cancer was discovered and she slid downhill quickly. She was clearly ready to go and excited for the journey ahead of her. Not surprising if you knew her. Grandma was always ready to go and up for any adventure. In death, as in life, she was showing us how to push forward and move on.

On the day she passed away (or the day after) I wrote on facebook "thankful for endings, beginnings and all the wonderful in between." It seemed especially fitting at the time because Grandma was in so much pain and so ready to go I was grateful God had finally taken her to a wonderful heaven where she could enjoy time with her parents, siblings and all whom she was ready to see again.

My grandpa died 12 days later. Unimaginable and unspeakable, yes, but also fitting. They had both lived long, healthy and productive lives. Both of them had accomplished success.

So when I started to think I should be doing something else with the spare time I find myself with (not all that much mind you). Blogging seemed the natural place to start and the line I posted as my status seemed to sum up how I think about things.

So today I begin "The Wonderful in Between" and plan to share what's happening with me, my darling daughters, the most recent favorites I've found and things that generally make me happy or grateful. Thanks for finding me and I hope you'll keep coming back.

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